0.01 YV flap strat
There are 4 different paths on YV that the game tracks. Taking the far right path and then setting your last section to 1 allows this setup to work. You
can cross the finish line by getting within 1000 units of the path marker for the path the game thinks you're on. You do this to finish your first lap,
then while the kart is over the canyon floor it causes the game to switch which path it thinks you're on, taking you back outside of the 1000 unit
sphere. This gives you a 1 frame window to move back over the finish line without subtracting a lap and lets you cross over again to complete another
lap. This shortcut can be done on any version of the game with any character.
2.xx YV flap strat
For the 2.xx YV flap strat to work, you must cross the finish line backwards while outside of the 1000 unit sphere that surrounds the center finish
line. While outside of this region, the finish line is not active, so it will not subtract a lap. You must then bounce off the wall in a precise way so
that you get back inside of the 1000 unit sphere and then cross the finish line forwards.
The 3lap now involves doing the regular lap skip jumps on the first 2 laps and then going for the 2.xx flap strat to end the race on lap 3 to avoid an
extra Lakitu pickup.
Old 3lap WR Strat
How does this shortcut work?
You jump over the fence (within a certain distance of the finish line), then cross the finish line backwards while the game thinks you're on the other
side of the track (the part of the wall you hit). You will get placed back on the road based on where you crossed over the fence. The game thinks you
drove around the entire track and gives you the lap.
How can you save a frame over the 27.76 runs?
By getting placed further forward, it is possible to jump towards the wall with an angle more parallel to it, which keeps more of your momentum as you
fall making it possible to save the frame. This has to be balanced with the fact that if you get placed too far forwards for the last lap attempt it can
end up being from too far away for the 27.73 to be possible.
Why wasn't 27.73 done earlier?
Most people over the last 10 years that are doing WR attempts on this have shifted towards doing the left of tree lap 1 strategy to get more consistent
good placement for lap 3. This makes getting the faster lap 2 time nearly impossible because of the placement on the track. Knowledge of why we're able
to do faster laps while being a little further away from the finish line only recently became clear to us with Forest's TAS.
Can 27.70 be done?
The TAS is 27.66 for this strat, but for that time save to be possible we'd need to be able to cut a frame off lap 1 or lap 3 which is a challenge but
maybe possible.