These are the ROM patches that come with the Wii U VC releases of Mario Kart 64. [RomHack] sections found by bitalive. [VertexHack] sections and comments by abney317

Unkte0.024.ini - MK64 US (Europe Release)

;MarioCart US [RomOption] Rumble = 0 PDFURL = "" [Render] CopyColorBuffer = 1 CopyMiddleBuffer = 0 ClipRight = 2 [Input] StickLimit = 90 [BreakBlockInst] Count = 1 Type0 = 1 Address0 = 0x8009B518 Inst0 = 0x24E70002 JmpPC0 = 0x8009B2F0 Type1 = 1 Address1 = 0x8009B088 Inst1 = 0xA44FFFFE JmpPC1 = 0x8009AE80 [RomHack] Count=4 ;points/times screen GP/TT tempo fix Address0 = 0x2490 Type0 = 4 Value0 = a8: 24 19 00 02 24 19 00 02 ;3/4p tempo fix Address1 = 0x2890 Type1 = 4 Value1 = a8: 24 0A 00 02 24 0A 00 02 ;2p tempo fix Address2 = 0x2638 Type2 = 4 Value2 = a8: 24 09 00 02 24 09 00 02 ;noa bts 471 increase time between credits sections from 5 to 28 frames Address3 = 0x1238bb Type3 = 1 Value3 = 0x1c [VertexHack] Count = 6 ;Fix NOA BTS No.346 KD (random one in the middle of the track) Image VertexCount0 = 12 VertexAddress0 = 0x279fd0 TextureAddress0 = 0x2648e8 FirstVertex0 = a6:fa b1 00 af 05 bb Value0 = a10:00 01 00 04 fc 54 00 66 06 65 ;Fix NOA BTS No.409 BB (Bat house exit wall top right) Image VertexCount1 = 31 VertexAddress1 = 0x284980 TextureAddress1 = 0x26bea8 FirstVertex1 = a6:fc 4a 00 58 00 bf Value1 = a10:00 01 00 04 fc 40 00 58 00 9b ;Fix NOA BTS No.423 BC (Castle exit top right) Image VertexCount2 = 32 VertexAddress2 = 0x274100 TextureAddress2 = 0x253268 FirstVertex2 = a6:06 8f 00 dc fe a0 Value2 = a10:00 01 00 0e 07 4d 00 33 fe 9f ;Fix NOA BTS No.424 LR (64 sign) Image VertexCount3 = 26 VertexAddress3 = 0x281ec0 TextureAddress3 = 0x25f4b8 FirstVertex3 = a6:ff 35 00 0e 01 48 Value3 = a10:00 01 00 0a ff 21 00 05 01 58 ;Fix NOA BTS No.459 LR (Top of tunnel entrance) Image VertexCount4 = 32 VertexAddress4 = 0x282340 TextureAddress4 = 0x2554b8 FirstVertex4 = a6:fd e8 ff cd fa b3 Value4 = a18:00 02 00 03 fd d9 ff ec fa c0 00 0c fd d9 ff ec fa c0 ;Fix BTS No.1949 LR (64 sign extra mode) VertexCount5 = 26 VertexAddress5 = 0x281ec0 TextureAddress5 = 0x25f4b8 FirstVertex5 = a6:00 cb 00 0e 01 48 Value5 = a10:00 01 00 0a 00 df 00 05 01 58

UNKTJ1.020.ini - MK64 JP

;MarioCart JP [RomOption] Rumble = 0 PDFURL = "" [Render] CopyColorBuffer = 1 CopyMiddleBuffer = 0 ;Fix BTS No.1304 ClipRight = 2 [Input] StickLimit = 90 [BreakBlockInst] Count = 2 Type0 = 1 Address0 = 0x8009ADFC Inst0 = 0x24E70002 JmpPC0 = 0x8009ABD4 Type1 = 1 Address1 = 0x8009B18C Inst1 = 0xA44EFFFE JmpPC1 = 0x8009AF34 [RomHack] Count=6 ;BTS No.150 patch Address0 = 0x92e290 Type0 = 4 Value0 = a24: 14 67 0F EF 0F EF FA B1 BB 15 EC F8 F8 67 FC 54 00 66 06 65 33 C7 58 00 ;BTS No.152 patch Address1 = 0x911997 Type1 = 1 Value1 = 0x04 ;points/times screen GP/TT tempo fix Address2 = 0x2470 Type2 = 4 Value2 = a8: 24 19 00 02 24 19 00 02 ;3/4p tempo fix Address3 = 0x2870 Type3 = 4 Value3 = a8: 24 0A 00 02 24 0A 00 02 ;2p tempo fix Address4 = 0x2618 Type4 = 4 Value4 = a8: 24 09 00 02 24 09 00 02 ;noa bts 471 increase time between credits sections from 5 to 28 frames Address5 = 0x12311b Type5 = 1 Value5 = 0x1c [VertexHack] Count = 7 ;Fix BTS No.1305 BC (Castle exit top right) VertexCount0 = 32 VertexAddress0 = 0x274100 TextureAddress0 = 0x253268 FirstVertex0 = a6:06 8f 00 dc fe a0 Value0 = a10:00 01 00 0e 07 4d 00 33 fe 9f ;Fix BTS No.1285_2 FS (random spot out of bounds) Image VertexCount1 = 18 VertexAddress1 = 0x28d660 TextureAddress1 = 0x26ef18 FirstVertex1 = a6:05 78 00 32 f3 1c Value1 = a10:00 01 00 0e 00 e1 00 1e f5 65 ;Fix BTS No.151 LR (64 sign) VertexCount2 = 26 VertexAddress2 = 0x281ec0 TextureAddress2 = 0x24bc08 FirstVertex2 = a6:ff 35 00 0e 01 48 Value2 = a10:00 01 00 0a ff 21 00 05 01 58 ;Fix BTS No.1284 RRy (Castle right side, left of windows) Image VertexCount3 = 31 VertexAddress3 = 0x282d30 TextureAddress3 = 0x254ea8 FirstVertex3 = a6:f2 bc 00 69 fd 9b Value3 = a10:00 01 00 09 f2 9d ff c4 fd 62 ;Fix BTS No.1949 LR (64 sign extra mode) VertexCount4 = 26 VertexAddress4 = 0x281ec0 TextureAddress4 = 0x24bc08 FirstVertex4 = a6:00 cb 00 0e 01 48 Value4 = a10:00 01 00 0a 00 df 00 05 01 58 ;Fix BTS No.1265_add_2_mirror KTB (random spot on the ground after Koopa rock extra mode) VertexCount6 = 32 VertexAddress6 = 0x26a4f0 TextureAddress6 = 0x25aa38 FirstVertex6 = a6:03 90 00 01 fa aa Value6 = a34:00 04 00 08 03 6d 00 01 fb 60 00 0b 03 6d 00 01 fb 60 00 0d 03 6d 00 01 fb 60 00 1a 03 6d 00 01 fb 60 ;Fix BTS No.1265_add_2_normal KTB (random spot on the ground after Koopa rock) Image VertexCount5 = 32 VertexAddress5 = 0x26a4f0 TextureAddress5 = 0x25aa38 FirstVertex5 = a6:fc 70 00 01 fa aa Value5 = a34:00 04 00 08 fc 93 00 01 fb 66 00 0b fc 93 00 01 fb 66 00 0d fc 93 00 01 fb 66 00 1a fc 93 00 01 fb 66 [FilterHack] Count = 1 ;Fix BTS No.1285_1 TextureAddress0 = 0xffffffff SumPixel0 = 0x94140F0F Data2_0 = 0x4401200 Data3_0 = 0x40000 AlphaTest0 = 250 [Cheat] ;light - give p1 lightning Cheat0 = 1 Cheat0_Addr = 0x8016271d Cheat0_Value = 0x08 Cheat0_Bytes = 1